Frequently Asked Questions
I have always wanted to learn orthodontics. Can I really learn through such self-starter courses?
All we are asking from you is this will to learn. So you have taken the first step and our Self-starter education will help in taking you further into the wonderful world of orthodontic practice! Buy our package today and start learning. Once you get our AFO-Course-In-A-Box, watch the lecture videos, read the course manual, practice on the typodont using the basic instruments and practice materials and then start cases! You also get 5 years of free post-course mentoring from AFO.
What is the basic qualification for this course?
You have to be a graduate Dentist with BDS / DDS / MDS / MSc or equivalent qualification.
Which one should I take, Level I, II, Fellowship or Diplomate of AFO?
We always recommend to start with Fellowship since you get to learn everything in labial orthodontics including Temporary Anchorage Devices (TAD or Mini Screw Implants). You can take up the Lingual course at a later stage for your Diplomate, once you have an established orthodontic practice.
Do you have one-on-one individualized clinical training in orthodontics?
The home or clinic based Individualized Education Program (IEP) for individual dentist or a Study Group Program for a small group of dentist is a unique concept from AFO where the faculty will come to your place and teach you orthodontics at your own time and pace! If you are an individual dentist wanting to start orthodontics in your practice or you are a group of like-minded dentist in the same locality, contact us for a quote. Where ever you are in the world, we will send the faculty to your place with all the materials you will need, to teach you so that you can learn and practice orthodontics with confidence.
How much time will it take to complete the online course? How much time will I will have to spend for the course?
The Fellowship course comes in 4 DVD’s (plus a back-up pen drive) and consists of 1000 minutes of edited video spread over 40 chapters and 60 demo clips. We recommend you spend at least half an hour every day for the lecture. Once the lectures are complete, you can spend about 4 hours per sitting for the practice on the typodont, which is best done on a holiday. With this schedule, the Fellowship course will take about 4 to 6 months to complete. If you need any clarification at any stage of the course, you can email us and we will reply within 2 working day.
I am an undergrad student of dentistry. Can I take the course?
Yes, the earlier you start the better. The best time to start the course is during your internship. Do not worry, your 5 year free post-course mentoring will start only when you present your fist case for discussion.
I am already practicing orthodontics. Which course should I take?
You can take the Diplomate course which includes Labial and Lingual orthodontics. Alternatively, you can buy only the Course Manual (Handbook) and the Lecture Videos (Fellowship Course) and use it as reference material.
I am a specialist orthodontist. Can I take the TAD, Begg’s, Tip-Edge or Lingual course alone?
Yes, you can take any of the specialized courses like TAD (Mini Screw Implant), Begg’s, Tip-Edge or the Lingual course.
How do I register and pay for the course?
You can register by paying the course fee through your credit card / debit card or internet banking using the CCavenue gateway on our website
Do I pay in full now or pay only the registration fees?
To attend the classroom course, you only pay the registration fees now. If you are taking the Online course then you pay the full course fee.
Why do I need to register at the website once I have bought the course package?
You have to register to access the online videos, case photographs and to upload your cases for discussion at the forum.
Do I need to buy anything at the course or bring any instruments or materials?
Everything including the practice materials and basic instruments will be sent to you. If taking the online course, you will have to buy a quick setting glue to bond the brackets on the typodont or use an Orthodontic Light cure composite.
What do I get in AFO-Course-In-A-Box?
Click here to see a list of the course materials that is sent to you in the AFO-Course-In-A-Box package.
Do you supply orthodontic practice materials also?
Yes, you can order our “Starter Kit” which consist of all the instruments needed (can be used for a long time) and the consumables for 10 patients.
How can I discuss my cases once I have completed the course?
You can upload your case details according to AFO case discussion template directly on our forum and discuss with AFO faculty and other AFO participants from all over the world.
What is your refund and cancellation policy?
Once the payment has been processed, you will be refunded the payment less a nominal administrative fee. Once the course materials has been dispatched and you have been intimated the Courier tracking details, no refund request will be entertained. Defective course materials / DVD’s will be replaced.
Will I get a certificate for the course?
Yes, you will get a certificate stating your level of the course. That is you will get a certificate for Level I, Level II, Fellowship (Level III), Mini Implant, Lingual or Diplomate, depending on which course you have taken.
Is the Certificates / Diplomate equivalent to a Post-graduate course in orthodontics?
No. The only post-graduate qualification recognized by the Government of India is the 3 year regular MDS program in institutions authorized by the Dental Council of India. The Certificate / Diplomate is a certification from AFO that you have completed our course. Please note that AFO program is not applicable to any formal degree program but is an acknowledgement of the participant’s commitment to professional growth and development. It is the duty of the course participant to check whether they can practice the specialty as per the guidelines of the regulatory authorities.
Is AFO courses ADA CERP / AGD PACE certified?
No. Our Courses are not ADA CERP / AGD PACE certified and the credit points on the certificate are only for AFO tier advancement purpose.
I am a GP dentist. Once I complete the course, can I advertise myself as an Orthodontist?
No. You can advertise as a general dentist with special interest in Orthodontics.